The file “acur Editor for ResEdit 2.1” contains a resources that add an editor and picker for animated cursor resources to ResEdit 2.1 (or later). Animated cursor resources are resources of type 'acur' that contain a list of resource IDs for cursors that are used in an animation (e.g. the spinning beachball cursor used in HyperCard and the animated watch in the Finder).
When you open an animated cursor picker window, a graphic list of animated cursor resources in the file will appear. The window will look similar to the one below, and it acts like any other picker.
Upon opening an animated cursor resource, a window similar the following one will be displayed.
The list at the top of the window contains pictures of the cursors references in the resource with their IDs below. If a cursor does not exist, a gray box is shown where it’s picture would go. If only one cursor is selected, the ID edit text and the Choose Cursor button appear at the bottom of the window. The ID text will be set appropriately.
The animated cursor editor treats the ID edit text and the cursor list as two different key targets. This means that it distinguished between what item gets any keystrokes. When the list is the key target it will have a two-pixel border around it. To move between key targets, you can either click on the target you want or hit the tab key.
The list will respond to the left and right arrow keys and the delete key when it is the key target. You can select multiple cursors by holding down the shift key while clicking or typing an arrow key. Double-clicking will open the cursor editor for each selected item. If you hold down the option key when double-clicking, it will open the cursor choosing dialog described below.
The ID edit text acts just like edit text in a dialog (that’s because it is) when it is the key target. Changing the ID will automatically update the cursor list.
The Choose Cursor button will bring up the dialog below. The main portion of the dialog is a list of all the cursor resources in the file, sorted by their IDs. The cursor used for the selected item in the animated cursor editor will automatically be selected and scrolled to.
The first of the four buttons at the bottom of the dialog is New. It will create a new cursor resource, open its editor, and set the ID of the selected item in the animated cursor editor to the new cursor’s ID. Edit will do the same, but it uses the cursor you just selected instead of creating a new one. The last two buttons have obvious meanings. You can double-click on a cursor in the list to select it.
When the animated cursor editor is active, it alters ResEdit’s standard menu bar. The most apparent change is the addition of an “acur” menu. It looks like this:
When the first item, Try Cursors, is checked, the mouse pointer will be set to the cursors in the list, changing to the next cursor every 10 ticks (a tick is 1/60 of a second).When there are no cursors in the list, you will not be able to try the animation.
If you are not satisfied by the default speed, you can change it with the Change Speed command. It brings up a dialog that allows you to specify the time between cursor changes in ticks.
The final item in the “acur” menu, Choose Cursor, will open the cursor choosing dialog. It is the same as clicking on the Choose Cursor button. Choose Cursor will be dimmed if there is no selection or if there is more than one cursor selected.
The Resource menu has two items changed—the first item is changed to Insert New Cursor and the second is changed to Open Cursor. Insert New Cursor will insert a cursor with an ID of 0 into the list after the end of the current selection. The new cursor will then be selected and the old selection deselected. If there is no selection, a new cursor will be inserted at the beginning of the list.
Open Cursor is hilighted when there is at least one cursor selected in the list. Choosing it will open the cursor editors for each selected cursor in the list. If a cursor that is in the list does not exist, it will be created and opened.
The altered Edit menu looks like the one above. Notice the new command at the bottom of the menu, Reverse Selection. When there is more than one cursor selected in the list, it will become active. Choosing it will reverse the order of the selected cursors.
The clipboard commands work like normal for both the list and the ID field. Copying part of the list actaully creates a new animated cursor resource and puts it in the clipboard. This means you can paste it into the picker window to create a new animated cursor from part of another one. When pasting into the list, the cursors will be inserted into the list in the same way the Insert New Cursor command does it. Hitting backspace will perform the same action as Clear.
Select All does exactly what it says. It is always available as long as there are cursors in the list. Duplicate will insert copies of the selected cursors after the selection.
The acur editor is only compatible with ResEdit versions 2.1 and later. The editor protocols for versions earlier that 2.1 are different and will not work with this editor.
The file “acur Editor for ResEdit 2.1” contains the acur editor and all its associated resources. Using ResEdit, copy ALL the resources in “acur Editor for ResEdit 2.1” into ResEdit or your “ResEdit Preferences” file. The Preferences file is in your System Folder (System 6.0.x) or the Preferences folder in your System Folder (System 7). You can copy into the running version of ResEdit so long as you don’t replace resources in use; use common sense and make sure you have a backup copy of ResEdit. When pasting into a program with many large resources (like ResEdit), window updates may be relatively slow. Have patience!